Sid doing Meee presentation


Sid Madge has worked with many of the world’s largest brands and ran some of Europe’s most renowned creative agencies. In 2015 his world changed. While giving a talk to teenagers he was stunned by what they thought about themselves, and how they described themselves. He wanted to help and based on his knowledge of brands and people he founded Meee.

Meee exists to inspire everyone, everywhere, every day to Find, Live and Give their Magic.

At Meee, we believe the key to sustainable organisational success is to inspire all colleagues to Find, Live and Give their Magic.

Sid with Meee group

Sid sat behind desk

To date, Meee has transformed the lives of over 20,000 people, from leaders of SMEs to PLCs, to parents, teachers, students, carers, the unemployed and prison inmates.

Meee creates magically innovative resources that engage the hearts and minds of individuals, colleagues, customers and communities. From books, programmes, workshops, webinars, LiveStream events, keynote speeches and coaching for individuals and groups we inspire everyone to be at their very best and help others pass that magic on.

His ambition is to see The Magic Of Meee in every community around the world.

Meee isn’t rocket-science, it’s magic.