Children in classroom


"A few good words don’t just make your day but they also give the sense of belonging and confidence to take the next big step forward." Ravi Shastri

Sid loves writing. And Sid loves the above quote. Words are in everything we do, we think and how we communicate with ourselves and with others. Sid believes that we all seriously underestimate the power of words and uses them to stunning effect. From books to speeches to blogs to articles to quotes to posts, he brings out his creative magic in all the words he uses.

It took Sid 8 times to get a formal GCE qualification in the English language! Years later he learned he was dyslexic and his dyslexia has served him extraordinarily well to be exceptionally creative. He still has absolutely no idea what the formalities are of the written or spoken language, and wouldn’t know the difference between a vowel, verb or proverb. But to him that doesn’t matter. It’s the emotion they deliver that truly matters.

He has written 3 books. His first book ‘Meee in a Minute - 60 ways to improve your life in 60 seconds’ became an Amazon best seller and has been translated into Welsh and braille. All his books are based on the one-minute read principle. Every chapter takes just a minute to read and features practical ways to help live a happier and more fulfilled life.

He regularly writes for the press and has been featured in national and regional press, including the FT, Daily Mail, The Guardian, The Telegraph. His articles tackle many subjects including mental health, culture, identity, motivation, the magic that is all of us, change, why animals don’t need pockets (apart from marsupials!), optimism, trauma and how we can all be better at being ourselves.

"Why hasn’t this been invented before?"

For more information about Sid’s writing please contact